Scalar Energy Pendant - BioMag Bracelets.

Scalar Energy Pendant
Quantum Pendant- Enhanced with Scalar Energy for Peak Performance

Scalar Energy

What is Scalar Energy

  • A subtle energy that can be harnessed to produce healing energy
  • Had existed since the beginning of time
  • Its existence was first proposed in a series of 4 equations by Scottish Mathematician James Clark Maxwell in the mid 1800's
  • Nicola Tesla demonstrated the existence of Scalar Energy towards the end of the 19th century
  • It is only recently that science was able to positively demonstrate the existence of Scalar Energy, to explore and harness it
    for health purposes

The Mechanism of Scalar Energy Theory
Any matter have a characteristic feature to memorize the energy. With this knowledge, we can embed a specific type of
energy (health promoting) into a matter. The most state of the art technology is required for embedding energy into a matter.
This technology is derived from principle of Quantum Theory. The use of Scalar Energy products will neutralize the
negative energy in our body.

The Composition of the Pendant and How it Works
The Pendant is a natural energy generating device which improves the metabolic and circulatory functions of the body to achieve
optimal holistic health. The active ingredients inside the Pendant comprise of over 70 different natural minerals extracted from
volcanic rocks which are then recombined using nanotechnology and heat fusion methods. Energy medicine sees human beings
as networks of complex energy fields that interface with the physical and cellular systems of the body and uses specialized forms
of energy to positively affect those energetic systems that may be out of balance.

The Scalar Energy Pendant works by radiating natural scalar energy which enters the body of the wearer and get distributed to
the areas in need of an energy balance.

Scalar energy has definite positive effects  on the body including:
  1. Increasing the energy level of every single cell in the body by facilitating the entry of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cells.

  2. Converting the water in the body to become smaller molecules (micro-clusters) which has better dissolving, cleansing and healing powers.

  3. Neutralizing the harmful effects of external electro-magnetic radiation.

  4. Reducing inflammation.

  5. Improving brain power by increasing mental focus, enhancing creativity and calming the mind.

How To Energize Water in 20 Minutes.
SE Pendant turns the water in your body into healthy, energized,
small-clustered water!
SE PendantTreating water with magnetic fields simply restores the natural energy and balance that nature intended Magnetized
water has more hydroxyl (
OH-) ions that form alkaline molecules which reduces the acidity.  Normal tap water has a pH of about 7.
Magnetized water is more alkaline and can have a pH as high as 9.2.  Magnetizing water reduces the surface tension of the water
making it feel softer.  It is thinner, wetter, and more absorbable, so it is better able to penetrate cell walls and deliver the nutrients
that it carries.
When you wear Scalar Energy Pendant, it keeps the water in your body grouped into small cell-penetrating clusters.
These tiny clusters of water easily pass through cell membranes, carrying nutrients & oxygen into our cells, and waste & toxins out.
This easy passage of water into and out of our cells is what keeps the cells clean, young and healthy.


Air pollution, water pollution, toxins in our food, chemical pollutants, electronic frequencies and radiations, and a host of other known and unknown toxic substances threaten our daily existence and contribute to today's top three fatal diseases: Cancer, Heart Disease and Diabetes, Arthritis, ladies problems you name it...
Here's a Little Known Method Helping Millions to Get Rid of That Sluggish, Fatigued Feeling Once and For All.
It's Called                  
The Scalar Energy Pendant

It is made of natural minerals that have been structurally bonded, the Quantum Scalar Energy Pendant is technically engineered at a molecular level, using several high-heat fusion methods. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques creates a positive energy field that follows the principles of traditional Chinese medicine in restoring your "chi", or life force.


Scalar Energy Pendant is an exclusive mineral based on energy permeable medium which has high synergistic properties. It is enhanced with Scalar Energy by using Permanence-Scalar Energy Technology (PSE). Scalar energy properties are almost similar to magnetism properties. As it is composed of 5-dimentional standing waves, it tends to fill the environment. Unlike magnetism, it does not lose its intensity when it moves away from the source which means it can also pass through solid objects. That is, the scalar energy can embed into supplement products and the energy is transferred into the body’s cells when ingested. Scalar energy regenerates and repairs itself forever hence, if once the energy is embedded in your body, you can keep it by regular ingestion of scalar enhanced products. Quantum Pendant along with Scalar  energy brings the healthiest life to everyone.

The Quantum Pendant uses the latest Bio Energy Synthesis Technology. There are no nutritional products which even come close to Quantum Pendants in supporting your health and well-being. It can either be worn on a chain or just carried in pockets. The energy from the pendant enhances body’s bio-field and facilitates cell permeability. There are many health benefits of this scalar energy present in Quantum Pendants which is carried to the cells. They are as follows: The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Out-wardly scalar energy enhances the body’s biofield. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability
and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body.

• Reduces inflammation
• Promotes unclumping of cells
• Enhances circulation
• Enhances immune and endocrine systems
• Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria
• Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification
• Enhances cellular permeability
• Increases energy
• Helps to protect DNA from damage
• Helps to retard the ageing process
• Helps to fight cancer cells
• Strengthen the body’s biofield preventing electro-magnetic waves from affecting one’s  
• Increases focus and concentration.
Comp Radiation Field and YOU.
Most common reports include:
More focused and calm
Toothache gone
Much more energy
Stiff joints disappeared
Sexual libido enhanced
No more constipation
No more tiredness at end of day
Far less depression
No more back pain
Sound and deep sleep
Migraines gone
High blood pressure dropped
Faster healing of fracture bones in cast.
Stroke victims recover strength
Arthritis pain disappeared
Nerve pain gone
Snoring dramatically reduced
Serious joint pains gone
Dramatic increase of strength in osteoporosis patient
Vision improvement.

Discover the incredible Health Benefits of real Scalar Energy Pendant (made in Japan ). Wear SE Pendant around your neck Today and start to enjoy excellent health hereafter for ever..
(BPO, Call center, Mobile phone users,Housewives, X-ray, CT Scan/ MRI workers, Radiation staff,
computers/ terminals users etc i.e. those who work or touch with electrical appliances, comp, TVs
or similar gadgets. Protect yourself from EMF risk like Cancer, Low immunity, low energy etc)

Where To Get The Scalar Energy Pendant?.
Contact: Mr. Akhare - Mumbai. Mob: 9833020511
                                 Email:  [email protected]  
SE Pendant is tested to emit FIR, scalar energy and negative ion,
free of harmful metals, and contain Germanium 99.999%.
Certified by reputable bodies, including Korean Far Infrared
Association ( KFIA/ KIFA), Ajou University, Korea, and SGS

Check this website out for testimonials and proof of clinical findings.. Click Here

Disclaimer: These products are not a medical device, and not intended for use
in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation,
or prevention of disease.