Scalar Energy Pendant - BioMag Bracelets.
How To Use 
Wear Scalar Energy Pendant over the neck, or place it directly on the affected body area (e.g. knee, back, shoulder, ankle, etc.) to relieve stiffness or soreness.

Try the tests below and be amazed with how Scalar Energy Pendant can improve your flexibility, strength and balance.

Flexibility tests
  • Stand straight with both legs slightly apart. Extend your right arm in front of you, 90° perpendicular to the body, while making a fist with your thumb pointing away from you. Slowly turn your upper body in a clockwise position as far back as you can reach. Note the farthest position you can reach. Repeat the test wearing Scalar Energy Pendant. With Scalar Energy Pendant, you'll be more flexible, and able to turn your body farther.
  • Stand straight with both legs slightly aprt. Slowly bend over, reaching as far down as you can to touch your toes. Repeat the test wearing Scalar Energy Pendant. With Scalar Energy Pendant, you'll be more flexible, and are able to bend farther down.

Strength Test

Stand straight with both legs slightly apart.

Place both hands straight behind your back with fingers in an interlocking position. Get a friend to press down on your interlocked fingers as you resist with all your strength.

Repeat the test with Scalar Energy Pendant. Scalar Energy Pendant will enable you to resist better, and be stronger while wearing the pendant.

Quantum Science made this possible and now SE Pendants are used All Over the World.
Where To Get The Scalar Energy Pendant in Mumbai?.
Contact: Mr. Akhare - Mumbai. Mob: 9833020511
                                 Email: [email protected]